Tuesday, August 7, 2012

[Food Stop] Mexican Hole-in-the-Wall

Hi there!

Now I know that everyone has their favorite hole-in-the-wall food places, and I'm sure that Mexican food is on that list!   In So Cal, Cuca's in Redlands was our favorite Mexican food place.  When I was pregnant with the youngest, we would do daily BRC (bean, rice, and cheese) burrito runs for lunch at work.  It's no wonder that the youngest just LOVES Cuca's BRC burritos now!  Every time we're in town, we always try to make it there to get our Cuca's fix.
The original Cuca's restaurant location.  Cuca's now has 7 locations in Southern California.  Wish they'd come up to Nor Cal!  They have the BEST carne asada tacos, rice, and salsa there!
Honestly, it was hard to find a place that would match our Cuca's standard, but I have to say that La Placita has fit the bill overall.  Their rice is delicious and I LOVE their chile relleno burrito plate, plus they have these flour tortilla chips that are to die for!  The kids always ask for these chips, and we eat them up fast!  We actually go to their second location, La Placita Dos, because it's closer to our house.
Another Mexican Hole-in-the-Wall we've found up here that's pretty good is Adalberto's.  They have locations here in Nor Cal as well as in So Cal.  Their rice is also very good (see how I judge a Mexican place by their rice?), and they have a Bean & Cheese burrito, that we ask to add rice inside, to make a BRC.  I like their fish tacos and their chicken taquitos with guacamole is delicious too.

What is your favorite Hole-in-the Wall?  Let me know since you all know I will eat almost anywhere (well, they have to at least have to have an "A" grade or "Green" rating, cause getting sick and all is NOT acceptable!).  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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