Friday, August 3, 2012

[DesignAxis] Chair Repurpose

Hi there!

Here's the final step in my Repurpose Mode design philosophy I discuss in a previous post here.  You should never rule out an item because it's not your style or because it's worn, since most things can be repurposed!  Remember the dining table & chairs I purchased on Craigslist for $75?  The fabric was stained and was more of a modern style for the office space redo, so when I saw the floral upholstery fabric for less than $10 at a yard sale, I knew it would be perfect for the Craigslist chairs!
The floral upholstery fabric sample on the Craigslist chair to start the Chair Repurpose!
Start by unscrewing the seat cushion from the bottom of the chair.
Measure and cut the fabric to fit over the cushion with extra to wrap around the bottom.  Because the seat cushions still had good support, we just wrapped over the old fabric.
Get your handy dandy staple gun and staple the fabric to the bottom of the seat cushion.
That was easy!  And it doesn't have to be perfect because seriously, who's going to look under the chair?!
Now just screw the seat cushion back on to the chair...
And there you go!  Before & After.  Doesn't that look ten times better?!  Wait until you see it all put together with the table in the new office space!
Have you ever repurposed an item, that you purchased or already had at home, to give it new life?  Let me know because I repurpose items in my home all the time!  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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