Monday, August 27, 2012

[Life-Style Forum] Celebrity Look Alike

Hi there!

As I was browsing Facebook, I came across a friend's post with an app that shows who your celebrity look alike is.  I was curious to see who I would match with since my kids think mine is Olivia Munn.  The app matches you according to your profile picture, but I think they need a better database to get a more accurate match for me! (See my results below, you'll be surprised!)
My kids vote for my celebrity look alike...I'll take it cause she's gorgeous, so not sure how accurate this is, but thanks, I'm flattered!
Since we've moved to NorCal, people have commented that I look like the local newscaster from KCRA3, Tina Macuha. Maybe because she's know how us Asians all look the same ;-)
When I worked in Pediatrics, I had a patient whisper to her mom, "Mommy, I like my doctor because she looks like Mulan." Awww!!! How sweet is that?!
And now for the results from the Facebook app--The first one with my hair longer, gave me Eva Mendes at a 49% match, which I thought, I guess...and the second one with my hair short gave me Emma Watson at 43%, which I was like, Really?! I kept trying to do it again with my short hair photo and it kept saying Emma Watson, so I guess I'm going with that ;)
Have you ever been told that you look like someone famous? Let me know because it's just fun to know who your celebrity look alike may be! Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See  you later!


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