Thursday, August 23, 2012

[Sole Inspiration] Things I'm Grateful for

Hi there!

Although I haven't been the best at making a Things I'm Grateful for List everyday, my every other week post has been helpful to me in realizing all the little things I sometimes take for granted. So here are the 5 things I've been grateful for these past few weeks.
An unexpected overnight houseboat trip with college friends.
Discovering seaweed salad while having lunch with a NorCal friend.
Facebook for being able to save this cool picture of my son I found on his friend's wall... well as this circa 2001 or 2002 photo the son found & posted on his wall. This is a great photo of the kids with my oldest niece and youngest niece at the time!
Technology that can pretty much do away with voice messages 90% of the time!
Even though life has it's challenges, there is still so much to be grateful for, don't you think? Let me know since I tend to forget this sometimes when life gets me down. Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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