Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[Food Stop] Berkley's Gourmet Ghetto

Hi there!

To continue with our weekend at Berkley (see this post here for another Berkley eatery), I had to include this Food Stop at North Berkley's Gourmet Ghetto on Shattuck Avenue.  This area has a cool, hip vibe with numerous restaurants and shops.
As we were walking on Shattuck Avenue, we heard this jazz band playing and saw a line going out the door of the Cheeseboard Pizza Collective.
See the line and all the people?  See the hubby, to the right, in the light gray shirt and red shorts, scratching his head?  He's probably thinking, "Man, after waiting in this long line, this pizza better be good!" 

The Cheeseboard Pizza basically serves the same pizza all day, changing the type of pizza each day.  This way, by the time you order, you have a fresh pizza ready for you.  The pizza for the day, when we were there, had roma tomatoes, red onions, aged asiago, mozzarella, garlic oil, and fresh basil.  They also had a fresh organic salad of the day.
Probably one of the coolest things about this place was the seating options.  If you couldn't get a seat at the restaurant, where the band was playing, people went to the center median on Shuttuck Avenue, and had a little picnic with their pizza and salad.  The hubby and I felt like college students again, since we were surrounded by them, along with the locals!
My starving hubby chowing down on the pizza that was so good; it was fresh and delicious, and the salad was yummy too!

Have you ever been willing to stand in line for a specific food item?  Let me know what it is, because if it's worth it, I don't mind waiting!  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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