Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[ShOe Inspired] Family Style at a Baptism

Hi there!
A couple days after her 16th birthday (see post here), my youngest was baptized by her awesome youth pastor.
Our youngest, with Mom (dress from Ross) & Dad, in her new skirt we gave her for her baptism, from Anthropologie.
The kids all dressed up for church.
The grandparents are even stylish...I think that's where the kids get it from!  My parents on the left, coordinating nicely, and my in-laws on the right, matching perfectly!  Aren't they all so cute!
We were all ShOe Inspired by my youngest and her decision to be baptized (see this post here about the mission trip that touched and inspired her).  Everyone got dressed up to celebrate this important day with her, and her grandparents came all the way up from So Cal to witness it.  It was such a lovely service, and she gave a touching testimony, as well as sang beautifully with the friends she was baptized with. 

Isn't it nice to get dressed up and celebrate together as a family?  Let me know what your favorite ways to dress up for celebrations are, and get colorful today in red, white, & blue for a happy 4th of July!  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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