Thursday, July 12, 2012

[Sole Inspiration] Things I'm Grateful For

Hi there!

Have you been writing down five things that you are grateful for each day this past month, like I discussed on this post?  Remember, this exercise is shown to help you through your day and improve your quality of life!  I've been fairly good about keeping up my Things I'm Grateful For list, so here are five things I've been grateful for this month.

Things I'm Grateful For...
Capturing this perfect photo of Kona laying on my lap...LOVE!
Learning to follow this advice more as I get older...
A Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with caramel, affogato-style (in moderation, of course)
My Kids and their silly humor!
(Photographer Son & Model Daughters, copying the Hubby & I)
My Kindle, even though I seem to read more from the Kindle app on my iPhone!
What have you been grateful for this past month?  Let me know if this has improved your day, if you have started writing down these things, because I know that it gives me a better outlook.  So try it, you may find it therapeutic.  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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