Saturday, May 19, 2012

[Sole Inspiration] What I've Learned From My Kids

Hi there!

It is said that children are a parent's pride and joy. That is true of me for my kids. They are the proudest thing I have done in my life and give me the greatest joy. They can also be the most frustrating, yet the most fulfilling aspect of my life.

I recently received a nice compliment about my kids, from a college friend of my husband and I, after she had viewed their Facebook profiles.  She stated that she was happy to see the success of our hard work as parents through our children.  It is validating when other people can see that your children are good & beautiful people and my kids truly are that.  My friend wanted my advice as her kids are younger; saying she saw that I have lived through it and have done a great job. She was curious about my children's upbringing and the challenges I've had as a mom, asking for any tips on how to handle the teen years, since parenting seemed to become more challenging as hers got older.  I felt honored that my friend would ask for my advice, because the truth is that I am not sure what I'm doing sometimes and I just pray that my best is good enough.

It's neat to see your children start to come into themselves and become their own individual person as they grow.  The teenage phase can be rough because this is when they start to separate from you and they stop looking to you for guidance and approval.  As they enter into the young adult years, it can be hard to step back and let them be, yet still guide them, because they are still young (remember when you thought you knew it all in your 20's?) and we will always be their parents!  But don't be fooled...they still need and want our guidance and approval, and believe me, this is where the finesse of parenting comes in.
Left: The Kids in March 2002, Right: The Kids in December 2011.
As far as advice is think, "Me giving parenting advice?", because being a parent is rough...baptism by fire, and you can't take things that you have said or done back.  We ourselves are human and individuals who are flawed.  So with that being said, there are so many things that I wish I would have done relaxing a bit and laying off them more with less nagging and yelling, not taking things so personally and making it all about me because we are a family unit working together, not being so hard on myself by giving up the guilt of not being a "perfect mother", and just getting over it and having fun!  Finally, I wish I had just enjoyed them by just being present and just seeing them for who they are, because as cliche as it sounds, they do grow up fast.  

As us parents go through the different stages of our child's life, and our kids get older, we can sometimes feel the best time was when they were little.   Being a  parent who has seen two of my children into young adulthood and one soon to follow, I know that each phase has it's own challenges as well as rewards.  I think that's how it is as parents; we look at a past phase fondly because we are going through the struggles of the current phase now!  But sometimes we forget to just pause and just enjoy the moment with them and bask in the rewards and pleasures that our children bring us.

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." 
-Angela Schwindt
My Thoughtful, Classic, Creative Son
My Wise, Modern, Stylish Girl
My Honest, Preppy, Fun Baby Girl
I have to say truthfully, that I have learned most of the things I have talked about from my kids.  In regards to upbringing, well...I have a wonderful and beautiful husband, as well as family, friends, and church community that have surrounded my kids.  It truly does take a village to raise up a child.  Whatever your beliefs are, we really should train up a child in the way they should go, for if we direct them onto the right path, they will not leave it when they are older.  (Paraphrased from The Bible, Proverbs 22:6)  

If you are a parent, and even if you aren't, how have the children in your life impacted you?  What have you learned from them, and has it made you a better person or at least made you want to strive to become better?  Let me know because I love comments and I am not above taking suggestions, even from a child! Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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