Wednesday, June 20, 2012

[Life-Style Forum] Bloom Maxi

Hi there!

How has your week been so far? It's been pretty hot up here so I'm all about staying cool and being comfortable.  The sun was already blazing hot that morning, so forgive me for my squinty, shadowed, and "get me out of this bright, glaring sun" look!
Now I know that I'm not tall and long-limbed. I'm 5'4" and on that borderline of petite sizes and standard clothing sizes. For an American woman, I am the average height and weight, but by fashion industry standards, I'm actually a full-figured midget! This along with my Filipino ancestry, where I am considered tall and on the curvy (can be a nice compliment) or plump (always an inconsiderate remark) side, I did have some feelings of insecurity about being the big girl in the family.
This is why I try to find clothing that can hide flaws and have a slimming effect, like a maxi dress that can elongated one's body.  Oh and heels of course can definitely give the illusion of longer legs!
Outfit:  Moss Approach Dress - Bloom, Bag - Target, Ring - Francesca's, Bracelet - Banana Republic, Necklace - ???
What do you think about fashion industry standards and how this can effect how you dress and more importantly how you feel?  Let me know because this is something that can make an impact on how we feel beautiful, as I discussed in a previous post here.  

Send me any photos you have of yourself in outfits that make you feel beautiful since I want this Life-Style Forum to become a place for sharing and support to everyone.  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!



  1. Oh my goodness! Have never thought of you as being the "big" girl in your family! You're perfect & slim & look great in clothes! Am a shorty myself (5'2) & have to buy petite clothes for short people or else everything's too long.

  2. You're too kind, Min. Yeah, I can actually wear some regular sized items, but pants for sure are usually long! Thanks so much for following me with my blog, my fun hobby ;-)
