Thursday, June 14, 2012

[Sole Inspiration] My Home & Other Things I'm Grateful For

Hi there!

I was looking through my Evernote app on my iPhone the other day and found one of my notes entitled, Five things I am grateful for today.  I had started this daily list last year on June 14, 2011, but only did it for about a sad...but I did have good intentions!

Anyway, here is what I wrote down, word for word, on Five things I am grateful for today---
6/14/11 - My puppy, my kids, my husband, my health, my home.
6/15/11 - My job, a sunny day, my friends, the potential to ROTFL today at work, the possibilities...
6/18/11 - The weekend, sitting in my backyard reading, able to socialize with friends, nice toes/feet, a nice long shower.

Now here's my first 2012 Five things I am grateful for list, starting with some similar things listed from last year---

The Family, celebrating an early 16th Birthday for the youngest.
My silly Puppy chewing on some bark.

No diet, just healthy eating, at least 80-90% of the time!
My Home, which I am especially grateful for after the cleaning lady comes!
Our neighborhood on a sunny day!
This Five things I am grateful for today list was inspired by a book I read by Daniel G. Amen, M.D., a self-help psychiatrist.  Dr Amen says that by writing down and focusing on at least 5 things you are grateful for in your life on a daily basis, it can help you through your day.  He says it optimizes brain function, thus improving your quality of life.

Well I figured since it's been a full year to the day that I started this list, I would start it again; maybe at least summarizing it each month.  Since I have this blog now, I think you all can hold me accountable and maybe you can all join me!  What are the things you are grateful for this week?  Let me know and join me in jotting this down daily, or at least weekly!  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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