Friday, June 22, 2012

[ShOe Inspired] Casual Friday Jeans & Color Fun!

Hi there!
Happy Friday...and while we're at it, Happy Casual Friday Outfit!  
Coral sweater - Gap, Black tank - Costco, Yellow belt & Brown bag - Target, Gold & Pink Necklace and Turquoise Bracelet - Borrowed from the Eldest, Jeans (with the top button missing!) - The Son's 11th Grade School Fair Yard Sale, Black Suede Stiletto Booties - Calvin Klein.
I am ShOe Inspired by colors since I'm wearing a lot of colors today that are broken up with some neutrals.  I'm also wearing my Calvin Klein Lenora Booties that I wasn't too sure about at first, but think I am slowly falling in love with and building a nice relationship with, as I have now worn her since one of my original posts here and in a Shoe Lookbook here.
Now I don't know if it was because it's a Friday, the fact that I'm wearing jeans, or all the different colors, but I was in quite a good, peppy mood!  I honestly think it was the colors that made me feel light and fun, and bringing along my Calvin Booties added a flirty, sophisticated look to the outfit.  I believe it brought us even closer together...because there was a spring in Lenora's step all day ;-)
Isn't this a beautiful profile of Lenora, my Calvin Klein Black Suede Booties?!
The Hubby and I commuted in to work together that day because I was working out of another clinic that was close to his downtown office.  He takes my outfit post photos and is still navigating his way with the camera, as well as working with a subject who definitely is not a model, so when he told me to strike a sexy model pose...
Here's what I came up with.  The fact that my hair grazed my face as the wind gently blew, along with my playful mood, and possibly an inspired photographer, made for a decent photo since all these elements were in place.  Not bad for this old girl :-)
Has something you worn ever effected your mood?  Let me know since I believe that clothing is not only an expression of our personalities, it can make an impact on how we're feeling!  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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