Monday, June 25, 2012

[Stylish Steps] Cost Per Wear Polka Dot Blouse

Hi there!
 Cost Per Wear (CPW) Item
In my 25 Random Things About Me post here, I listed one of my style philosophies, When I buy a piece of clothing, I totally believe in "cost per wear" in order to justify the cost of the item.  Well, I thought that I would show you an example of CPW with this blouse I purchased for $53 the other week at Nevaeh, (pictured on these posts, here and here, and styled on this post here).
This is probably about the 5th time I've worn this blouse since buying it a couple weeks ago, and about the 3rd way I've styled it.  That means that so far, my CPW=$10.60, and that's in just two weeks!  And I plan on lowering that CPW number, because I LOVE this blouse!
I had a pretty relaxing day, getting my hair done as well a pedicure; so like my turquoise-like toes?!  I thought I'd match my jewelry with my toes, which were inspired by the upcoming 4th of July holiday (thinking of a patriotic-colored outfit to coordinate...must think on this...).
Outfit: Blouse - Nevaeh, Shorts - Old Navy, Shoes & Earrings - Borrowed from my Eldest, Ring - Francesca's, Bracelets - Handmade gifts from a friend, Toes - OPI, color, I forgot...sorry!
What are your thoughts on and have you ever used my CPW, Cost Per Wear philosophy?  Let me know when you have used this to justify an item, especially a pricey one!  Thank you for visiting and being a part of my journey!

See you later!


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